Dentures can be an amazing solution for those who are missing several teeth or even all of their teeth. They’re a great tooth replacement treatment that can restore confidence, enhance life, and may even help people look younger. However, dentures do need proper care in order to stay clean and protect your mouth from other… Read More
It’s true, we just used the words ‘fun’ and ‘spit’ in the same sentence. We’re not crazy, and we understand that many people don’t associate something typically considered gross to be fun. But to your dentist in Doylestown, spit is a rather fascinating and helpful part of your oral and overall health. Let us explain. … Read More
When you start seeing a new dentist in Doylestown, one of the first things you’ll probably have to do is fill out a medical history form. But why? In short, your dentist needs to know what may be affecting your overall health and, in turn, your oral health. Diabetes is one of those diseases that’s… Read More
Two things: (1) It’s hard to believe that we’re closing out 2019 already. What happened to the rest of this year? (2) How is it already time for ghosts, ghouls, goblins, and all things Halloween? How do you and your family welcome fall and closeout October? Do you take in some of the local festivities?… Read More
Just like you, your dentist in Doylestown is overwhelmed this time of year by the amount of sugary Halloween treats on the market. Did you ever notice how much candy there is at every single store, from pharmacies to supermarkets? Where does it all go? (We sure would like to know.) These little bite-sized treats… Read More
In this latest blog, we’re going to talk a little bit about the big connection between your oral and overall health. What’s going on inside your mouth is almost like a snapshot of what’s going on in the rest of your body. Let’s take a look at what clues your oral health can give your… Read More
Your dentist in Doylestown will tell you that there are many reasons why a filling becomes loose or comes completely out. Let’s take a look at some common causes, and some tips you can use to help you feel more comfortable until you can see the dentist and get your filling fixed. Why Do Fillings… Read More
Vaping seems to be almost everywhere nowadays — on TV commercials, print advertisements, and radio spots. Sometimes the ads even claim that vaping is a healthier, safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes. But how much of that is true? At our dental office in Doylestown, we looked into vaping and just how ‘safe’ this safer… Read More
As we get older, our health tends to change and our needs may shift over time. Our oral health is no different. For Senior Citizens Day on August 21st, our dental office in Doylestown wants to cater to our favorite seniors and their families by talking a bit about some of the most common oral… Read More
Millions of Americans will suffer tooth loss at some point in their lives. Many times, adult tooth loss can be caused by gum disease or decay that has been left untreated. But even those of us who take great care of our teeth can experience unexpected tooth loss through an injury. At our dental office… Read More