When you think about the best smile you’ve ever seen, what comes to mind? If you’re like most people, you probably think of celebrities with perfectly straight, bright white, and gorgeously symmetrical smiles. Chances are, these smiles may have had some type of cosmetic dentistry to look more beautiful. One of the most common types… Read More
If you have dental insurance, it’s important to remember that the benefits won’t last forever. Your plan may have an annual renewal date or it may expire if you don’t use it within a certain amount of time, so there are plenty of reasons to get moving and see your dentist in Doylestown before time… Read More
Taking care of your teeth should be an important part of your daily routine, but if you’re not doing it right, it could have adverse effects on your dental health. This is why your dentist in Doylestown wants you to know the dos and don’ts of dental care so you can correct any bad habits… Read More
There’s a reason why your dentist in Doylestown encourages you to visit every six months. What happens if you wait longer than six months, or don’t go to the dentist at all? The truth is, missing just one dental appointment can lead to multiple problems. Here are a few things that can happen if you… Read More
While we all hope to avoid tooth problems and issues as we age, this isn’t always possible, no matter how much you take care of your teeth. As your body changes, you may need more help from your dentist in Doylestown in order to maintain your oral health. Here are some things to keep in… Read More
Do you know what the sugar content is in your favorite drinks and foods? Many people drink and eat more sugar than they realize, so it’s important to understand how much of the sweet stuff is in the foods and drinks you consume. Luckily, your dentist in Doylestown is here to provide a quick rundown… Read More
When it comes to maintaining good oral health, every little bit counts. This includes making sure you brush your teeth twice a day, floss everyday, and see your dentist in Doylestown at least every six months. But there are other small changes you can make in your daily life to protect teeth even more such… Read More
Most Americans have had or will have at least one cavity in their lifetime. In fact, the CDC estimates that about 90% of U.S. adults have already had a cavity. When patients develop a cavity, often the best way to fix it is with a dental filling. Most dental offices will have one or two… Read More
The sound of snoring at night can keep both the snorer and others in the house from getting a full night of sleep. But did you know that snoring can actually affect both your overall health and oral health? In fact, while snoring is one of those things that may seem odd for your dentist… Read More
From Father’s Day (on June 20th!) to Men’s Health Month, June is a time to recognize all the men in our lives. This month is dedicated to raising awareness of just how important it is for men of all ages to focus on their health and seeks to encourage them to see their medical doctor… Read More